Did you know this?
When a human resources staff prepares a job posting, determines the job description and requirements, prepares a standard template and shares that posting on a career platform,
this process takes an average of 1 to 3 hours. Depending on the complexity of the job, when other stakeholders (developer, manager, field expert, etc.) join the process,
the process takes even longer and requires the participation of many people at the same time.
What if I said that
it takes an average of 1 minute to perform all of these steps automatically with artificial intelligence and create a job posting and share it on platforms?
Sounds crazy, right? (maybe not as much as before)
But just think about it,
while you have to bear a minimum cost of 3-5 hours for your staff, you can handle this job in 1 minute with an Artificial Intelligence Agent
that we can develop specifically for your company. Now, this still sounds crazy.
What if I told you that
you won’t be left with just that, and that in addition, this AI agent trained with your company’s knowledge will offer suggestions and content specific to your company,
make the job more sophisticated by talking to your personnel management system from behind, share directly on career platforms such as Linkedin and Reed on your behalf,
and even collect applications and list the most suitable candidates for you?
Still doesn’t sound crazy?
Contact us and I’ll tell you what more AI can do for you.